


Unit 1
1. 我總是在台中上車彰化下車
   I always  get on  the train in Taichung and  get off  in Changhua.
2. 你兒子正在學校等你他。
   Your son is waiting for you at school to  pick him up .
3. 我們看到這個小女孩時,馬上同情她。
   When we saw the little girl, we felt sorry for her  at once .
4. 她昨晚打電話給我,只是想告訴我別把那張卡丟掉
   She  called me up  last night just to tell me not to throw away the card.
5. 我三點醒來。起先我以為是貓。
   I woke up at 3.   At first  I thought it was the cat.
6. 你應該馬上繼續唸書。
  You should go on with your study  right away .
7. 關掉收音機,當這首歌唱時。
     Turn off  the radio when the song is over.
8. 現在已經習慣起床
   I’m used to  getting up  early now.
9. 穿上你的外套。我們今晚要到外面吃
    Put on  your coat.  We’ll eat out tonight.
10. 脫下你的帽子。飛機就要起飛了。
 Take off  your hat.  The plane is about to  take off .
11. 打開燈,坐下
     Turn on  the light and take a seat.  

Unit 2
1. 如果你能保持鎮靜最後你會成功的。
   If you can keep your head, you’ll succeed  at last .
2. 我們會你到你好轉
   We’ll  wait for  you until you get better.
3. 偶爾感冒沒關係
   It’s  all right  to get a cold once in a while.
4. 兩百年前那棟房子就是在這裡燒毀的。
   The house burned down  right here  two hundred years ago.
5. 離花遠一點,你會發現花瓶很搭配花。
   Keep away from the flowers, and you’ll  find out  the vase goes well with the flowers.
6. 我好幾個禮拜沒你的消息了,所以決定來拜訪你。
   I haven’t heard of you for weeks, so I decide to  call on  you.
7. 我們都累壞了,但是我們的夢想即將成真
   We  are tired out , but our dream will come true very soon.
8. 沒關係。這偶爾會發生。
    Never mind .  It happens now and then.
9. 跟平常一樣,我會在7-11前面()你。
    As usual  I will pick you up in front of the seven-eleven.
10. 警方正在尋找昨晚逃跑的犯人。
    The police are  looking for  the prisoners who ran away last night.
11. 你的褲子會慢慢變乾的。
    Your pants will dry out  little by little .
12. 他。他又在做鬼臉了。
     Look at  him.  He’s making faces again.

Unit 3
1. 是否你有立刻打電話給他並沒有什麼區別。
   It  makes no difference  whether you called him up at once.
2. 如果你很累了,可以不用現在就把最喜歡的挑出來
   If you are tired out, you don’t have to  pick out  your favorite right now.
3. 首先,我們慢慢地找尋完美的戒指。
   At first, we  took our time  looking for the perfect ring.
4. 如果你的工作不順利,我們可以立刻討論一下
   If you are not getting along well in your job, we can  talk it over  right away.
5. 沒關係。這我們可以自己來
   Never mind.  We can do this  by ourselves .
6. 他把包包裡每一樣東西都拿出來發現錢包並不在裡面。
  He  took everything out  from his bag, and found out his wallet wasn’t there.
7. 坐下。飛機馬上就要起飛了。
   Please  sit down .  The plane will take off at once.
8. 最後故意把鉛筆折斷
   At last, she broke off her pencil  on purpose .
9. 我們整天都在調查這消息的真假。
   We checked on the truth of the news  all day long .
10. 他們站起來,和對方握手
They  stood up , and shook hands with each other.
11. 最後他終於躺下睡著了。
    At last, he  lay down  and fell asleep.

Unit 4
1. 你是否要去參加會議並沒有什麼差別
   It makes no difference whether you want to  take part in  the meeting.
2. 你可以慢慢地試穿我們的新衣服。
   You can take your time  trying on  our new clothes.
3. 到目前為止,還沒有人打電話給她。
  So far , nobody has called her up.
4. 最後終於有一個女服務生來招呼我們。
   At last, a waitress came to  wait on  us.
5. 和平常一樣,我們昨天晚飯後去散步
   As usual, we  take a walk  after dinner yesterday.
6. 你可以考慮一下,再告訴我你要不要去拜訪約翰。
   You can  think it over  and tell me whether you will call on John.
7. 這小孩子必須自己玩具收起來
   The child had to  put away  her toys by herself.
8. 故意什麼也不說。
   He said  nothing at all  on purpose.
9. 至少一條領帶出來
   You have to pick out one tie  at least .
10. 意外就是在這兒發生的。
    The accident  took place  right here.

Unit 5
1. 哈里斯昨晚從芝加哥回來了。下飛機之後他看起來累壞了。
   Harris  got back  from Chicago last night.  He looked tired out after he
   got off the plane.
2. 和往常一樣,在開會時見面的時候他們還是握手
   As usual, they  shook hands  when they met in the meeting.
3. 目前,她至少一天打電話給她一次。
    For the time being , he calls her up at least once a day.
4. 他開瓦斯的時候,他媽媽叫他小心
   When he was turning on the gas, his mother told him to  look out .
5. 如果你現在不下決心,你的體重會慢慢地增加。
   If you don‘t  make up your mind  right now, you will gain weight little
   by little.
6. 只要你一服下這藥,你的感冒就會馬上
   As soon as you take this medicine, you will  get over  your cold right
7. 覺得你剛試穿的那件襯衫怎樣?
   What do you   think of  the shirt you tried on just now?
8. 小偷突然拿出一把刀子,急忙地跑出房間。
   The thief suddenly took out a knife and ran out the room  in a hurry .
9. 仔細考慮他父親的提議之後,他決定返回南美永遠住在那兒了。
   After thinking over his father‘s offer, he decided to return to South America
     for good .
10.  因為只有兩三位學生參加,演講比賽取消了。
    The speech contest was  called off  because only two or three students
    took part in it.
11. 起初他答應要載我,但幾分鐘之後他就改變心意了。
    At first, he promised to pick me up, but several minutes later he
     changed his mind .
12. 他每次感冒,都躺下來休息好幾天。
    Every time he  catches a cold , he always lies down to rest for several days.

Unit 6
1. 接線生叫我馬上掛斷電話
   The operator told me to  hang up  at once.
2. 突然,他起身離開。
    All of a sudden  she got up and left.
3. 有時候,我的感冒很快就好了。
    At times , I get over my cold very quickly.
4. 到目前為止,我們全部都還依賴父母撫養我們。
   So far, all of us still  count on  our parents to support us.
5. 他們一直在試穿他們媽媽的衣服,直到她回來。
   They  kept on  trying on their mother‘s clothes until she got back.
6. 約翰和隔壁班那個女孩做朋友進展得怎樣?
   How is John getting along in  making friends  with the girl in the next
7. 你不能就這樣故意跳過第二題。
   You can‘t just  leave out  the second question on purpose.
8. 他匆忙地把考卷交出去,沒有再檢查一下
   He handed in his exam paper in a hurry without  looking it over .
9. 這台機器故障的時候,意外很容易發生。
   Accidents take place easily when this machine is  out of order .
10. 班機被取消了,所以我們並沒有準時到達芝加哥。
    The flight was called off, so we didn‘t  get to  Chicago on time.
11. 目前,消防隊員還在努力撲滅火災。
    For the time being, the firemen are still working hard to  put out  the
12. 我期待週末能休息,好把我房裡的東西收一收。
    I expect to  have the weekend off  to put away all the things in my

Unit 7
1. 我們不能老是依賴老師指出我們的錯誤。
   We cannot always count on our teachers to  point out  our mistakes.
2. 寧願去親一隻豬也不要跟他握手。
   I  would rather  kiss a pig than shake hands with him.
3. 想不透為什麼他一直侍候她那麼久。
   She could not  figure out  why he kept on waiting on her for so long.
4. A: 很抱歉我沒有準時回來。  B: 沒關係。
   A: I‘m sorry that I didn’t get back  on time ?   B: Never mind.
5. 最好盡快下定決心。
   You  had better  make up your mind as soon as possible.
6. 順便一提,你有空的時候,快去拜訪你舅舅。
    By the way , when you have time off, call on your uncle soon.
7. 你不能永遠拖延你的讀書計畫。
   You can never  put off  your study plan for good.
8. 有時候我下午四點鐘時會餓
   I  get hungry  at times at about four o‘clock in the afternoon.
9 . 你們商量過後,事情一定會好轉的。
   After you talk it over, things will certainly  get better .
10. A: 你覺得我剛剛做的時間表怎樣?   B: 我懷疑你可以及時念完書。
    A: What do you think of the schedule I just made? 
    B: I doubt whether you can finish all your reading  in time .
11. 時間是不是到了已經沒有差別。反正我們贏不了。
    It makes no difference whether time  is up .  We can never win, anyway.
12. 再五分鐘這堂課就結束了。你們可以很快地再把那些問題檢查一遍。
    Our class will  be over  in five minutes.  You can look over those
    questions quickly.

Unit 8
1. 你最好要注意他。他正計畫要把這重要的會議延後
You had better  pay attention to  him.  He is planning to put off this important meeting.
2. 順便一提,我跟那件事可是一點關係也沒有
By the way, I  have nothing to do with  that matter.
3. 時間到的時候,蠟燭自己熄滅了。
When time was up, the candle  went out  by itself.
4. 漸漸地,我愛上她了
Little by little, I  fell in love with  her.
5. 突然,他轉過身來,拿下他的眼鏡。
All of a sudden, he  turned around  and took off his glasses.
6. 當他們想出來毛病出在哪裡時,飛機正要起飛。
The plane  was about to  take off when they figure out where the trouble was.
7. 到目前為止,他的病還沒復原
 As yet (= So far) , he hasn‘t got over his illness.
8. 如果你改變心意要把那些參考書丟掉,請立即通知我。
If you change your mind and want to  throw away  those reference books, please call me right away.
9. 刪掉一些嘔心的句子後,他繼續寫信。
He  went on (= kept on)  writing the letter after leaving out some disgusting sentences.
10. 老師要我們輪流指出圖畫裡的錯誤。
Our teacher wanted us to  take turns  pointing out the mistakes in the picture.
11. 這點老師已經解釋過至少五六次了,但是我們仍然一再犯同樣的錯誤。
The teacher had explained this point at least five or six times, but we still make the same mistake  over and over .
12. 如果你整天躺在那裡,你的牛仔褲會磨損得很快。
If you lie down there all day long, your blue jeans will  wear out  very fast.

Unit 9
1. 你必須好好照顧你的籃球鞋,這樣它們才不會很快就磨損
You have to  take good care of  your sneakers, so that they won‘t wear out quickly.
2. 到目前為止他還沒醒來
As yet he hasn‘t  waken up .
3. 當我們正要開始吃晚餐時,又有不少客人進來。
 Quite a few  guests came in when we were about to start dinner.
4. 假裝他已經愛上她了。
He  makes believe  that he has fallen in love with her.
5. 風雨交加的夜晚燈偶爾熄滅
Lights go out  once in a while  in a stormy night.
6. 當我年輕時,我習慣(常常)一再犯相同的錯誤。
When I was young, I  used to  make the same mistake over and over.
7. 最好要習慣靠自己查生字。
You had better  get used to  looking up new words by yourself.
8. 這台舊電梯老是故障,不過我現在習慣()了。
This old elevator is out of order all the time, but I  am used to  it now.
9. 在我爸爸的遺囑裡,他要我永遠負責這棟舊大宅。
In my father‘s will he wants me to  be in charge of  the old mansion for good.
10. 寧願負責樂隊也不要參與演出。
I would rather  take charge of  the orchestra than take part in the performance.
11. 當你到達台中,盡快我們老大聯絡
When you get to Taichung,  get in touch with  our Big Brother as soon as possible.
12. 如果你舞會裡要玩得愉快,你應該挑選你最喜歡的女孩,跟她一起去。
If you want to  have a good time  at the dance, you should pick out the girl you like most and go with her.

Unit 10
1. 確定我們還和國小同學保持聯絡
 Make sure  that we still keep in touch with our elementary school classmates.
2. 偶爾我們要假裝我們把自己照顧得很好
 Now and then  we‘ve got to make believe that we are taking good care of ourselves.
3. 老鼠跟這種病一點關係也沒有,因為我們已經擺脫它們很多年了。
Mice have nothing to do with the disease, because we have  gotten rid of  them for years.
4. 老師要我們注意這條文法規則。他甚至說我們最好把它背起來
The teacher wanted us to pay attention to this grammatical rule.  He even said that we had better learn it  by heart .
5. 誰要留意把那些椅子收起來
Who is going to  see about  putting away those chairs?
6. 中國大陸來的人很難做朋友
It is difficult to make friends with people who  come from  Mainland China.
7. 老師的解釋把我們弄混淆了。也許我們不能再依賴他了。
The teacher‘s explanation just  mixed us up .  Maybe we can’t count on him anymore.
8. 我們高速駕車去台北,所以才能及時趕到。
We  made (very) good time  on our way to Taipei, so we could get there in time.
9. 你的襯衫和褲子一點也不相配
Your shirt doesn‘t  go with  your pants at all.
10. 不少學生去補習班,但是上次月考卻考不理想
Quite a few students went to cram school, but they did not  make out  well on the last exam.
11. 我已經跟Betty 交往七年了,目前正在考慮結婚。
I have been  going with  Betty for seven years, and we are thinking over a marriage right now.
12. 我女朋友說她喜歡做家事,但是到目前為止我還沒看她做菜過。
My girlfriend said she enjoyed  keeping house , but as yet I haven‘t seen her cook.

Unit 11
1. 要瑪麗願意幫我做家事不可能的
It‘s  out of the question  for Mary to be willing to keep house for me.
2. 學生們要這麼多新字並不容易,所以我們暫時不要他們毛病
It‘s not easy for the students to learn so many new words by heart, so don‘t try to  find fault with  them for the time being.
3. 你是不是要做朋友由你決定
It‘s  up to you  whether you would make friends with her or not.
4. 突然掛了電話轉過身,就出去了。
 All at once (= All of a sudden)  he hung up the phone, turned around, and went out.
5. 確定你可以輕易地戒掉;否則,遠離那些香煙。
Make sure you will be able to get rid of it easily; otherwise,  keep away from  those cigarettes.
6. 順便提一下,你們最好記錄追蹤病人的體溫,若有不對勁,就打電話給我。
By the way, you had better  keep track of  the patient‘s temperature, and call me up if there is anything wrong.
7. 校長罵了Jordan一頓,因為打架他也有一份
The principal  called Jordan down  for taking part in the fighting.
8. 你何時才會禮物呢?
When will you  get through  picking out your presents?
9. 他答應要調查這件事,再告訴我們為什麼比賽被取消
He promised to  look into  the matter and would tell us why the game was called off.
10. 自從他房子著火,他還沒從惡夢中恢復
He hasn‘t got over the terrible nightmare since his house  caught fire .
11. 當我們在散步的時候,斷斷續續地下著雨。
It rained  off and on  while we were taking a walk.
12. 抓住我的手臂,讓我們一起滅火吧。
 Take hold of  my arm and let‘s put out the fire together.

Unit 13
1. 突然,火箭爆炸了。還好沒有人受傷。
All at once, the rocket  blew up .  Fortunately, nobody was hurt.
2. 你是不是要重做你自己決定
It is up to you whether you will  do it over .
3. 因為我沒有給客戶最新的目錄,他了我一頓
He called me down because I didn‘t give our customers the most  up-to-date catalogue.
4. 我很同情那些愛滋病人。他們死之前,疼痛斷斷續續地侵襲他們。
I  feel sorry for  those patients who get AIDS.  Pain strikes them off and on before they die.
5. 警方決定要調查這家KTV為什麼會燒毀
The police decided to look into why the KTV  burned down .
6. 最好不要把她的愛視為理所當然。她為你做的一切一定你的錢有關
You had better not  take her love for granted .  What she has done for you must have something to do with your money.
7. 他已經拖延了那麼多功課,期末考他不可能考好(成功)的。
After he has put off so much studying, it is out of the question that he can
  make good  in the final exam.
8. 每個人的毛病。因此,顯然她不會因為你的癡情而愛上你。
She finds fault with everyone.  Therefore,  it stands to reason (that)  she will not fall in love with you because of your devotion.
9. 我們還沒想出來燈泡為什麼會燒壞
We haven‘t figured out why the bulb  burned out .
10. 至於公車是怎麼著火,引擎可能是原因,因為它有時候故障
 As to  how the bus caught fire, the engine might be the cause, because it got  out of order at times.
11. 有人相信流行性感冒將要爆發了。
It is believed that flu is about to  break out
12. 在他還負責管理圖書館的時候,所有的書在一場大火中都燒光了。
All books  were burned up  in a fire when he was in charge of the library.

Unit 14
1. 顯然我們必須把他的傷列入考慮
   It stands to reason that we have to  take his injury into account .
2. 至於O’Neal,他結果成為NBA第一中鋒。
   As to O’Neal, he  turned out to be  the best center in NBA.
3. 因為Ben 是唯一必須把作業重寫一遍得學生,我們都同情他。
   Since Ben was the only student who had to do his homework over, we  took
   pity on  him.
4. 大家都認為他不會在一小時之內醒來是理所當然的。
   Everybody took it for granted that he could not  come to  within an hour.
5. 寧願把工作做完再去找你
   I’d rather  call for  you after I get through with my work.
6. 就在他要去那炸彈時,它就突然爆炸了。
   Just when he was about to  take a look at  the bomb, it blew up all at once.
7.  Pippen很快就放棄了,但Kerr卻一試再試。
   Pippen  gave up  easily but Kerr tried over and over.
8. 你必須跟他說明他不能再繼續記錄你打電話給誰。 
   You must  make it clear  to him that he can‘t go on keeping track of who
   you call.
9. 我們應該假裝不管他們穿什麼都是好看的。
   We should make believe that whatever they  has on  is always beautiful.
10. 車子有時候會故障
    Cars  break down  at times(once in a while).
11. 那個喜歡故意問笨問題的女孩怎麼了?
    What has  become of  the girl who liked to ask stupid questions on purpose?
12. 到目前為止,老師已經刪掉了我那篇作文至少五句。
    So far, the teacher has  crossed out  at least five sentences in my

Unit 15
1. 我會準時去找約翰然後我們再一起出去吃飯
I‘ll call for John on time and then we can  eat out  together.
2. 他的朋友們過去總是戲弄他,所以我們應該要同情他。
His friends used to  play tricks(jokes) on  him, so we should take pity on him.
3. 事實上,我已經將這一點列入考慮
 As a matter of fact ,I have taken this into account.
4. 小時候這王子總是為所欲為,結果他後來變成了一個暴君。
The prince always  had(got) his own way  when he was young, and later he turned out to be a tyrant.
5. 她很明確地跟他說清楚,為什麼她不想再看到他。
She made clear to him,  once and for all , why she did not want to see him anymore.
6. 他們取笑她因為她戴著那頂笨帽子。
    They  made fun of  her because she had that stupid hat on.
7. 在她清醒過來之前你必須照顧她。
You have to  look after  her before she comes to.
8. 是否你的夢想能成真對我一點差別也沒有。
It makes no difference to me whether your dreams can  come true  or not.
9. 我最近都沒有聽到有關他的事,因為他目前人在日本。
I haven‘t  heard of  him recently, because for the time being he is in Japan.
10. 上次我收到他的信時,他說他跟這個兇案一點關係也沒有。
Last time I  heard from  him, he said he had nothing to do with the murder.
11. 想要跟我老爸就這件事談一談。
I  feel like  talking it over with my dad.
12. 我們都期待參與學校六十週年的慶祝活動。
    We  look forward to  taking part in the celebration of our school‘s 60th anniversary.

Unit 16
1. 事實上,不管你做什麼,你都不會成功。
As a matter of fact,  no matter what  you do, you aren‘t going to make good.
2. 我們最新的字典終於要上市了。
Our up-to-date dictionary will be on the market  in the long run .
3. 因為我們已經好幾個月水了,顯然像這種病是會爆發的。
As they had been  out of  water for several months, it stands to reason that a disease like this would break out.
4. 如果你負責這家工廠,你就可以利用這機會更新你的舊機器。
If you have charge of the factory, then you can  take advantage of  the opportunity to replace your old machines..
5. 誰要留意將這些表格填寫正確呢?
Who is going to see about  filling out  these forms correctly?
6. 他們嘲笑John 因為他把他的夾克穿反了。
They made fun of John because he wore his jacket  inside out .
7. 當人們用完水之後,他們就期待雨季的到來。
After people  run out of  water, they look forward to the coming of the rainy season.
8. 我爸說我大學要攻讀什麼由我自己決定。
My father said what I want to  take up  in college is up to me.
9. 如果你想要再做一次,你可以來與我商量。
If you want to do it over, you can  take it up with  me.
10. 你不應該只照顧你的嬰兒。
You shouldn‘t look after only the baby who  takes after  you.

Unit 17
1. 不管發生什麼事,別繩子放掉
No matter what may happen, don‘t  let go of  the rope.
2. Sam 不可能會故意把 Jordan 的照片從雜誌上剪下來。
It is out of the question that Sam would  cut out  Jordan‘s picture from the magazine on purpose.
3. 偶爾我們會利用這個裝置來發動引擎。
 Every so often (Every now and then)  we take advantage of the device to start the engine.
4. 你最好留意他,否則他可能會偷偷地把你的名字刪掉。
You had better  keep an eye on  him; otherwise, he might cross out your name secretly.
5. 雖然他重聽,最後我還是及時使他了解重點。
Although he  was hard of hearing , I made him understand the main point in time in the long run.
6. 我們都同情那隻被車子輾過的流浪狗
We took pity on the stray dog which had been  run over  by a car.
7. 很難想像他會發生什麼事,因為手榴彈就在他身邊爆炸
It‘s hard to imagine what might become of him because the grenade  went off   beside him.
8. 我們運氣一直不好,但到目前為止我們都還是逆來順受
We have had bad luck, but we have  made the best of  everything as yet.
9. Smith 先生員工相處不好,因為他喜歡一意孤行。
Mr. Smith can‘t  get along well with  his employees because he likes to have his own way.
10. 他把一根手指切下來表示他跟這案子沒有關係。
He  cut off  one of his fingers to show that he had nothing to do with the case.
11. 小時候他一直會把顏色弄混,但他父親相信他會去掉(拋棄)這毛病的。
As a child he used to mix up colors but his father believed that he would  grow out of  it.
12. 你們要記住絕不可以把這箱子放顛倒。
You should  bear in mind  that you can never put this box upside down.

Unit 18
1. 如果你不留意你的輪胎,其中一個可能會突然爆裂
If you don‘t keep an eye on your tires, one of them might  blow out  all of a sudden.
2. 不論我們在哪裡我們都必需逆來順受。
We  have got to  make the best of everything no matter where we are.
3. 你要記住他還太小不會看時間
You can bear it in mind that he is still too young to be able to  tell time .
4. 偶爾我們會忘了水龍頭。
Every so often we forget to  shut off  the faucet.
5. 最重要的是,它被切斷之後,要立即放入一個乾淨的袋子裡。
 Above all , after it was cut off, put it in a clean bag right away.
6. 我的襯衫已經穿不下,你有沒有大一點的。
I‘ve grown out of my shirt.   Have  you  got  a larger one?
7. 沒關係。我立刻叫他住嘴
Never mind.  I‘ll tell him to  shut up  later at once.
8. 老師總是罵他因為他老是不能跟上同學。
The teacher always calls him down because he always can‘t  keep up with  his classmates.
9. 事實上,他的申請一再被拒絕
As a matter of fact, his application was  turned down  over and over.
10. 當我轉過身來,我看到小偷正闖入那間大宅。
When I turned around, I saw the thief  breaking into  the mansion.
11. 通常我都要兩個禮拜才能適應新籃球鞋。
As usual, it takes me two weeks to  break in  my new sneakers.
12. 順便一提,那種帽子一點也不適合你。
By the way, that kind of hat  is  not at all  becoming to  you..

Unit 19
1. 這雙鞋看起來很適合你,你怎麼不試穿看看?
This pair of shoes look becoming to you, why don‘t you  try it out .?
2. 你的房子已經被闖入好幾次了,你怎麼不把那沒用的圍牆拆掉?
Your house has been broken into so many times.  Why don‘t you  tear that useless fence down ?
3. 別拒絕我,否則你一定會後悔。
Don‘t turn me down, or you  are bound to  regret.
4. 你要抓住他的手以防他撕碎合約。
You have to take hold of his hand in case he  tears up  the contract.
5. 我們都認為他可以一個人把雞吃完是理所當然的。
We took it for granted that he could  eat up  the chicken by himself.
6. 即使你上大學要攻讀物理,沒有英語的基礎能力也不行
Even though you want to take up physics in college, you can‘t do without  basic ability in English.
7. 如果你們是前往機場,你們要開快車才能準時到達。
If you  are bound for  the airport, you have to make good time to get there on time.
8. 起初很多人都誤認我為我哥哥因為我們彼此很像對方。
At first many people  took me for my brother  because we took after each other.
9. 你可以把你的巧克力拿出來,用你的手把它打碎
You can take out the chocolate and  break it up  with your hand.
10. 最重要的是,我們隨時隨地要提防那些幫派份子。
Above all, we have to  watch out for  those gangsters anytime anywhere.

Unit 20
1. Ken 有想要跟上我們的,但妨礙他的結果竟是他父親。
Ken wanted to keep up with us, but what was  in the way  turned out to be his father.
2. 我們可以不必用那些新掃把,因為舊的就夠分配了。
We can do without those new brooms, because we have enough old ones to  go around .
3. 如果你繼續那樣吃下去,你一定會增加體重的。
If you keep on eating like that, you are bound to  put on weight .
4. 日復一日,他用電腦來追蹤記錄他的生意。
 Day in, day out  he keeps track of his business with his computer.
5. 我們必須防備龍捲風,否則我們先前的努力就將白費
We have to watch out for the tornadoes, or our previous efforts will be  in vain .
6. 她氣得突然把他的耳朵咬下來
She was so angry that she  bit off  his ear all at once.
7. 事實上,我們九點的班機一直都是飛往倫敦。
As a matter of fact, our 9:00 fight is bound for London  all the time .
8. 我總是把Harper誤認為Jordan。有時候電視上我分辨不出他們來。
I always take Harper for Jordan.  I can‘t  tell them apart  every so often on TV.
9. 他們正要把舊圖拆掉以便一棟新的。
They are tearing down the old library in order to  put up  a new one.
I can‘t  put up with  her at all because she always finds fault with people around her all day.
11. Andersen 喜歡炫耀他女兒因為她在三歲時就會看時間了。
Andersen likes to  show off  their daughter because she can tell time at the age of three.
12. 至於誰應該掌管行政院,誠實應該要列入考慮。
As to who should  take charge of  the Executive Yuan, honesty should be taken into account.

Unit 21
1. 點燃千元紙鈔來炫耀他的財富。
He  set his one-thousand bills on fire  to show off his wealth.
2. 你的努力都將白費,因為她只是看過你而已。
Your efforts would be in vain because she just  knows you by sight .
3. 可能有人會在車上,所以要確定我們的塑膠袋夠分配。
Somebody might  throw up  on the bus, so make sure that our plastic bags are enough to go around.
4. 不要動。否則炸彈會爆炸。
 Hold still .  Otherwise, the bomb will blow up.
5. 你怎麼能容忍你的兒子?他偶爾就離家逃走
How can you put up with your kid?  He  runs away  from home now and then.
6. 如果他負責我們球隊,他就會威脅要趕我們出隊
If he takes charge of our team, he will threaten to  throw us out .
7. 你們怎麼會讓John來幫你們跑腿?他可是分不清英文和西班牙文。
Why do you have John to  run errands  for you?  He can‘t even tell English and Spanish apart.
8. 如果你在貧民區長大,你成功的機會就不大。
If you are  brought up  in the slums, you will not have much chance to make out.
9. 你如果想要增加體重的話,沒什麼關係
There is  nothing the matter  with you if you feel like putting on weight.
10. 最重要的是,不論她何時離開,你都得去送行
Above all, no matter when she leaves, you have to  see her off .
11. 用最新版的地圖才不會迷路
Use the up-to-date map so that you won‘t  get lost .
12. 到目前為止,這家銀行已經被持槍搶劫四次了。
So far(= As yet), the bank has been  held up  four times.

Unit 22
1. 看到我們都去機場送()他,他嚇了一跳
He was  taken by surprise  when he saw we all went to the airport to see him off..
2. 在某個瘋子放火燒了他們的房子之前,他們家境富裕
They were  well off  before a maniac set their house on fire.
3. 日子一天天過去,我們還是繳交不出作文。
Day after day they were still unable to  hand in  our compositions.
4. 最後我們終於開到一個加油站,確定我們的輪胎沒問題。
Finally we  drove up to  a gas station and made sure there was nothing the matter with our tires.
5. 我們都很期待他把機器組合起來那一刻。
We all look forward to the moment when he will  put the machine together .
6. 抓好欄杆這樣才不會那麼容易就吐。
 Hold on  to the rail so you won‘t throw up so easily.
7. 下次他們再找我幫他們跑腿時,我一定要想出個好藉口。
Next time they ask me to run errands, I‘ve got to  think up  a good excuse.
8. 她跟我們解釋清楚為什麼她會被她姑媽的名字命名
She made it clear to us why she  was named after  her aunt.
9. 如果你繼續容忍他賭博,你的情況不可能好轉的。
It is out of the question for you to  be better off  if you keep putting up with his gambling.
10. 我們承諾只要她家人不妨礙(反對)我們就會馬上保持聯絡
We promised to  keep in touch with  each other as soon as her family wasn‘t in the way.
11. 請記住我們的舊校規仍然有效
Please bear it in mind that our old school regulations still  hold good .
12. 他出於好奇就把他的電子雞拆開
He  took his electronic chicken apart  out of curiosity.

Unit 23
1. 我爸媽不辭勞苦,為了讓我們生活更好。
   My parents  take pains  to make our life better off.
2. 休假這幾天,我們還是要保持聯絡
   While I  take these days off , we should still keep in touch.
3. 我一把這個盒子拆開,就會打電話給你。
   As soon as I take the box apart, I’ll  give you a ring .
4. 警方還是有機會抓到那幾個搶銀行的強盜。
   The police still  stand a chance  of catching the robbers who held up the bank.
5. 雖然我只是見過他的面,我卻很尊敬他。
   Although I just know him by sight, I  look up to  him very much.
6. 如果我知道誰負責這個計劃,我會寫信給你。
   If I know who takes charge of the project, I’ll  drop you a line .
7. 就在他的飛機一起飛後,她突然撕毀合約。
   She tore up the contract all of a sudden as soon as his plane  took off .
8. 這炸彈會在正確的時間爆炸,因為我們的鐘很準確
   The bomb will go off at the right time because our clock  keeps good time .
9. 你們要記住,每個符號都代表一個字母。
   You should bear in mind that each sign  stands for  a letter of the alphabet.
10. 我們看不起那些把照片從報紙上剪下來的人。
    We  look down upon  those who cut out pictures from the newspaper.
11. 我昨天碰巧碰到約翰。他說他很久沒收到你的信了。
    I  came across  John yesterday.  He said he hadn’t heard from you for a long time.
12. 就這麼一次告訴你如果你繼續做鬼臉到最後沒人會喜歡你。
    I tell you once and for all: If you keep on  making faces , no one will like you in the long run.

Unit 25
1. 每次我們的輪胎爆裂,總有人及時出現幫我們。
  Every time our tire blows out, there’s always someone  showing up  in time to help us.
2. 想要待在家裡,因為我今天早上吐了
  I feel like  staying in  because I just threw up this morning.
3. 如果你想要翻新這些外套,你最好和媽媽商量一下
  If you want to  make over  these coats, you’d better take it up with Mom.
4. 電力在十二點被停掉,所以我沒法熬夜
  The electricity was shut off at 12, so I couldn’t  stay up .
5. 天氣讓我心煩,特別是當雨下下停停時。
  The weather  gets on my nerves  especially when it rains off and on.
6. Johnson先生原本負責這家公司,現在Wang先生接手了。
  Mr. Johnson was in charge of the company, but now Mr. Wang  takes over .
7. 生完這對雙胞胎後,她累壞了
  After  giving birth to  the twins, she was tired out.
8. 我們一定會讓蘋果吃起來橘子的味道
  We are bound to make the apple  taste of  an orange.
9. 既然你喜歡交朋友,你為什麼不負責公關部呢?
  Since you  go in for  making friends, why don’t you take charge of the PR Department?
10. 如果你的承諾仍然有效,你應該現在清理房間
   If your promise still  holds good , you should clean out your room now.
11. 醫生指出來為什麼我們不能甦醒
   The doctor pointed out the reason why we couldn’t  bring her to .
12. 記者拜訪張將軍,他敉平1989年的暴動。
   The reporter called on General Chang, who  put down  the riot in 1989.

Unit 26
1. 我們那時總以為開他玩笑讓他心情好起來
  We used to think playing tricks on him could  cheer him up .
2. 保持靜止不動一點道理沒有,當你看到小偷闖入你家時。
   Holding still doesn’t  make any sense  when you see a thief breaking into your house.
3. 小心,否則他會擊昏你
   Look out or he’ll  knock you out .
4. 他會做好那件工作的,因為他早就開始了。
   He’ll make good in that work, because he  set out  early.
5. 你必須檢查一下那些細節,在你起草那份契約前。
   You have to look over those details before you  draw up  the contract.
6. 消防隊員急忙打破大門,及時撲滅了火。
   The fire fighters  broke down  the door in a hurry and put out the fire in time.
7. 車子被吹落橋面,翻了過來
   The car was  blown off  the bridge and turned upside down.
8. 就算你不相信上帝,你也不用瞧不起我們。
   Even if you don’t  believe in  God, you don’t have to look down upon us.
9. 碰到你的英文老師,他說你以前都會想出藉口不作業。
   I  ran into  your English teacher and he said that you used to think up excuses and didn’t hand in homework.
10. 退出聯盟,但日子依然還過得很好
    He  dropped out of  the league but was still well off all the time.
11. 順道去找Tom,告訴他我們的比賽取消了。
    I  dropped in on  Tom and told him that our game was called off.
12. 我們就快要想出來你是怎麼如此輕易地實現你的夢想。
    We are about to figure out how you  carried out  your dream so easily.

Unit 27
1. 試穿過那些洋裝後,她突然哭了起來。
  After trying on those dresses, she  burst out  crying.
2. 不要伸出頭。抓緊欄杆。
   Don’t  stick out  your head.  Hold on to the rail.
3. 跟不上我。一定是哪裡出錯了。
   You can’t keep up with me.  Something must have  gone wrong .
4. 不要洩漏給Nancy知道說我一直把她誤認為Betty.
   Don’t  let on  to Nancy that I take her for Betty all the time.
5. 他想要跟Helen和好,所以現在他只好逆來順受了。
   He wants to  make up with  Helen, so now he has to make the best of everything.
6. 如果你想突出於眾人之中,這件洋裝不適合你。
   If you want to  stand out  in the crowd, the dress is not becoming to you.
7. 檢查一下為什麼他這麼快就磨破鞋子。
   Please  check up on  why he wears out his shoes so quickly.
8. 活該迷路,因為他沒注意走的路。
   It  served him right  to get lost because he didn’t keep an eye on where he was going.
9. 你不能認為你可以撕破每個人的考卷,然後還永遠逍遙法外
   You can’t think you can tear up everyone’s test paper and  get away with it  
for good.
10. 起初你說你寧願妥協,但你剛剛的所作所為把我弄糊塗了
    At first you said you would rather  meet me halfway , but what you just did mixed me up.
11. 如果我們能把河流切斷,我們就可免於上游爆發的疾病。
   If we can cut off the river, we can  get away from  the disease that broke out upstream.
12. 如果你能保持這個速度,你三點準時就可把工作做完
    If you  keep up  this speed, you can get through with the work on time at 3 o’clock.

Unit 28
1. 努力導致成功,是有道理的。
   It makes sense that hard work  brings about  success.
2. 一旦新政府接手,反對聲浪就會減弱
   Once the new government takes over, the opposition will  die down .
3. 這種動物如此迅速絕種我們都嚇了一跳
   We were taken by surprise that the animal  died out  so soon.
4. 他開始把碎片組合起來,做得很成功
   He started to put together the broken pieces and  made out  pretty well.
5. 維護你的權利,否則你的努力都白費了。
    Stand up for  your right, or your efforts will be in vain.
6. 如果你無法適應你的新鞋,也許你應該丟了
   It you can’t break in your new shoes, maybe you should  do away with it .
7. 自從你出現後,悲劇就一個接一個發生
   Since you showed up, tragedies  have come about  one after another.
8. 如果你要增強你的健康,你不能忽略水果。
   If you want to  build up  your health, you can’t leave fruit out.
9. John的老婆總是支持他,從不會拒絕他。
   John’s wife always  backs him up  and never turns him down.
10. 我會堅持我的信仰,絕不和人妥協
    I’ll  stick to  my belief and never meet people halfway.
11. 當群眾看到泰山被擊昏後,歡呼聲漸漸減弱
    The cheers  died away  when the crowd saw Tarzen knocked out.
12. 當他發現他無法達成他的期望時,他開始取笑自己。
    When he found he couldn’t  live up to  his expectations, he started to make fun of himself.

Unit 29
1. 取下那些照片。他們快讓我煩死了。
   Please  take down  those pictures.  They’re getting on my nerves.
2. 如果你要讓他甦醒,可以用阿摩尼亞,那會散發強烈的味道。
   If you want to bring him to, you can use ammonia, which  gives off  strong odor.
3. 懷恨他老闆,決定把他的狗取他老闆的名字
   He  has it in for  his boss and decides to name his dog after him.
4. 僱用更多的人來幫他實現計劃。
   He  took on  more people to help him carry out this plan.
5. 如果你不能堅持你的理想,現在就想放棄,你可以和李小姐談談
   If you can’t stick to your ideal and want to  give in  now, you can talk it over with Miss Li.
6. 他從腳踏車上摔下來,還沒清醒
   He  fell off  his bicycle and hasn’t come to yet.
7. 如果你一點也不注意天氣,你的計劃一定會失敗
   If you don’t watch out for the weather at all, your plan is bound to  fall through .
8. 他父母開始調查為什麼他總是在學業上落後
   His parents start to look into why he is always  falling behind  in his studies.
9. 老闆並沒發給每個人票,因為他事先已經刪掉一些人了。
   The boss didn’t  give out  the tickets to everyone because he had crossed some people out in advance.
10. 翻倒了蠟燭,火就熄滅了。
    The wind  turned over  the candle and the fire went out.
11. 我和Mike攤牌,因為他總是妨礙我
    I  had it out with  Mike because he was always in my way.
12. 我最好延緩我的決定,在他們和好之前。
    I’d better  hold off  my decision before they made up.
13. 慢慢寫你們的報告。期限又延長一個星期。
    Take your time writing the paper.  The deadline is  held over  for another week.
14. 如果我們的補給能繼續供應,我們會將你的計劃列入考慮
    If our supplies  hold out , we’ll take your plan into account.

Unit 30
1. 看到雨勢並沒有停止的跡象,她突然大哭了起來。
   Seeing the rain show no sign of  letting up , she burst out crying.
2. 自從她們斷絕關係後,他就再沒順道來看過我們。
   Ever since they  broke off  their relations, he has never dropped in on us.
3. 一般說來,如果我們早出發,就絕不會落後
    On the whole , if we set out early, we’ll never fall behind.
4. 表上的每個空白都代表一個被解僱的員工。
   Each space in the list stands for an employee who was  laid off .
5. Eric喜歡棒球,所以他絕不會退回那些票的。
   Eric goes in for baseball, so he will never  bring back  the tickets.
6. 領子已經磨損,我很快就會把它翻新
   The collar is  worn down , and I’ll make it over soon.
7. 這隻鐵鎚可以拆毀任何水泥牆,更不用說這個籬笆。
   The hammer can break down any concrete wall,  let alone  the fence.
8. 如果你繼續不理會你兒子,他就絕學不會尊敬別人。
   If you keep on  letting your son alone , he’ll never learn to look up to people.
9. 活該今晚必須等你女兒等到那麼晚
   It serves you right to have to  wait up for  your daughter tonight.
10. 你的體重不能再增加了,如果你想要在比賽中發揮最好的實力的話。
    You can’t put on any weight, if you want to  bring out  your best in the game.
11. 約略看過這封信就決定照顧她一輩子。
    He  read over  the letter and decided to look after her all her life.
12. 在他們的興趣逐漸消失後,他們就把小狗丟了
    After their interest  wore off , they got rid of the puppy.

Unit 31
1. 如果我們可以想出一個好計劃,我們的日子就會改善很多
   If we can  work out  a good plan, we’ll be better off.
2. 準備好任何你交給我做的差事
   I  am set to  run any errands you give me.
3. 我們將馬上出發,這樣才能準時在機場幫她送行
   We’ll  set forth  right away to be able to see her off at the airport on time.
4. 倒車倒得很好。現在我們再做一遍
   You are  backing up  well.  Now let’s do it over.
5. 就在Smith先生退出撕毀契約時,我們當時已準備好要簽那張契約。
   We  were all set to  sign the contract when Mr. Smith  backed out  and tore it up.
6. 他們已經賣光了新機型,所以現在我們只好將就湊合
   They  have sold out  the new model, so now we’ll have to do without it.
7. 日復一日一心想要占他弟弟的便宜
   Day in day out he  has his heart set on  taking advantage of his brother.
8. 老闆決定要一意孤行併購Microsoft
   Our boss decided to have his own way and  buy out  Microsoft.
9. 他真是有這樣工作的天份,而且可以做得很好
   He  is  certainly  cut out for  the job, and can make out well.
10. 就算天氣不放晴,我一樣去找你。
    Even though it won’t  clear up , I’ll call for you all the same.
11. 你必須仔細想想,在你買光那些娃娃之前。
    You have to think it over before you  buy up  all those dolls.
12. 他們明確地說東西不夠分配,而她似乎不了解
    They said once and for all there was not enough to go around, but she didn’t seem to  catch on .

Unit 32
1. 他們旁敲側擊,想要找出他為何退出
   They  beat about the bush  and tried to find out why he dropped out.
2. 既然沒什麼關係,我們就不用減速
   Since there’s nothing the matter, we don’t have to  slow down .
3. 在這棟舊大樓被拆掉後,美麗的故事也就此告一段落
   After the old building was torn down, the beautiful story  came to an end .
4. 他決定攻讀電子學,在閒晃了一年之後。
   He decided to take up electronics after  fooling around  for a year.
5. 如果這扇窗是面對花園,我們沒有電視也可以
   If the window  look out upon  the garden, we can do without a TV.
6. 我們說火車是花蓮的。
   He  took us in  by telling us the train was bound for Hualien.
7. 為了報復他,她不肯延後計劃,更不用說取消了。
   To  get even with  him, she wouldn’t put off her plan, let alone calling it off.
8. 因為我負責這個計劃,我隨時可以結束
   Since I am in charge of the project, I can  put an end to it  anytime.
9. 一再地煽動我們之間的煩擾,真是罪有應得
   It serves him right to  stir up  trouble between us over and over.
10. 我們假裝我們知道他們想幹什麼
    We made believe we knew what they  were up to .
11. 一般而言,在台灣,冬天很多河流都會乾涸
    On the whole in Taiwan quite a few rivers  dry up  in winter.
12. 麵包在空氣中會逐漸變乾很有道理
    It stands to reason that the bread will  dry out  in the air.

Unit 33
1. 我們遭受了更多麻煩,在你洩漏給Helen知道後。
   We  went through  more trouble after you let on to Helen.
2. 失去理智打了學生耳光。現在他可逃不了懲罰了
   He  lost his head  and slapped the students.  Now he can’t get away with it.
3. 不用說,努力必導致成功。
    It goes without saying  that hard work brings about success.
4. 犯了錯,就在你沒有維護我們的權利時。
   You  put your foot into it  when you didn’t stand up for our rights.
5. 你只是在浪費唇舌。他絕不會屈服的。
   You’re just  wasting your breath .  He’ll never give in.
6. 當你與他攤牌時,你最好保持鎮靜
   When you’re having it out with him, you’d better  keep your head .
7. MaryScot懷恨在心,自從他放她鴿子後。
   Mary has had it in for Scot since he  stood her up .
8. 我們的旅行縮短了,因為我們的食物沒能持續供應
   Our trip  was cut short  because our food didn’t hold out.
9. JohnJane的上風的,因為她總是逆來順受
   John will  get the better of  Jane because she always makes the best of everything.
10. 我們同情這可憐的女人,因為她無法掙脫她那殘暴老公的控制。
    We take pity on the poor woman because she can’t  break loose from  her violent husband’s control.
11. 他一直插嘴問是否這份保證書依然有效
    He kept  cutting in  to ask if the certificate still hold good all the same.
12. 我們要僱用一些能經得起寒冷天氣的工人。
    We want to take on workers who can  stand up to  the cold weather.
13. 我又碰到前幾天公車上讓位給老婆婆的那個帥哥。
    I just ran into the handsome boy again who  made room for  an old lady on the bus the other day.

Unit 34 總複習
1. 一般說來,雖然雨勢停止,天空還是不會那麼快放晴的。
   On the whole although rain lets up, it won’t clear up so soon.
2. 不要浪費唇舌在那些整天閒逛的人身上。
   Don’t waste your breath on those who fool around all day long.
3. 他正在倒車。咱們騰出些空間給車子吧
   He’s backing up.  Let’s make some room for the car.
4. 他稍早說他準備好要好好發揮了,但是最後還是退出
   He said he was set to bring out his best, but he backed out at last.
5. 犯錯,就在解僱那些工人時。
   He put his foot into it when he laid off those workers.
6. 這油漆雖然據說可天氣變化,但是仍然會漸漸磨滅
   The paint is said to stand up to weather, but it still wears away little by little.
7. 他都不管自己的小孩了,何況是學生。
   He lets his own children alone, let alone his students.
8. 幾年來他一心一意併購Microsoft,但是似乎沒人了解他的目的。
   For years he has had his heart set on buying out Microsoft, but no one seems to catch on to his purpose.
9. 掙脫了陷阱,最後戰勝了敵人。
   He broke loose from the trap and in the long run got the better of his enemy.
10. 我們旁敲側擊想要找出他們想幹麼
    We beat about the bush to find out what they were up to.
11. 如果你與我們中斷商業往來,我們會報復你的。
    If you break off your business relations with us, we’ll try to get even with you.
12. Philip提出了計劃來幫助賣光他們的產品,但老闆只約略看過沒說什麼。
    Philip set forth a plan to help sell out their products, but his boss just read it over without saying a word. 
13. 我們不知道我們又被騙了,直到藥效消退
    We didn’t realize we were taken in again until the effect of the drug wore off.
14. 我們所經歷的有助於幫我們研發出新藥減緩老化。
    What we went through helped us work out the new medicine to slow down aging.
15. 想要買光那些面海的所有公寓
    I feel like buying up all those apartments which look out upon the ocean.
16. 如果我們延後這場會議,我們一定會再度失敗。
    If we hold over the meeting, we’re bound to fall through again.
17. 看我兒子老把舌頭伸出來,真叫我受不了
    It gets on my nerves to see my son sticking out his tongue all the time.
18. 加強你的信心,如果你要在班上突出的話。
    Build up your confidence if you want to stand out in your class.
19. 當颱風逐漸減弱,沒有再傳意外發生
    When the typhoon died down, no more accidents came about.
20. 在軍隊開始鎮壓反對力量之後,他們的聲音就逐漸消失
    After the army started to put down the opposition, their voice died away.
21. 如果你可以總是達到標準,遲早你會成功
    If you can always live up to your standard, sooner or later you’ll make out.
22. 我可以延緩我的研究直到你證明那種花會釋放瓦斯。
    I can hold off my research until you prove that the flower gives off gas.
23. 現在就插隊,不然我們就拿不到他們的試用品了。
    Cut in right away, or we can’t get any free sample they are giving out.
24. 不用說,鯨魚終會死光。你所做的都是徒勞無功
    It goes without saying that the whale is bound to die out.  What you are doing is in vain.
25. 做這份工作的天份。沒人能像他一樣忍耐熱
    He is cut out for the job.  No one can put up with the heat like him.
26. 我只是見過他幾次面,我所知道的只是他有點重聽
    I just know him by sight and all I know is he is hard of hearing.
27. 順道去找Elton,但他卻急忙把我轟出來
    I dropped in on Elton, but he threw me out in a hurry.
28. 四個囚犯輕易地就逃走了,因為風吹倒了大鐵門。
    Four prisoners broke away easily because the wind blew down the iron gate.
29. 如果你被擊昏,我們馬上會有人接手
    If you are knocked out, we’ll have someone take over at once.
30. 我在樓下碰到Josy,她向我炫耀她的新男友。
    I came across Josy downstairs and she showed off her new boyfriend to me.

